Setting up categorization rules within Zoho Books

Created on:-
June 8, 2024

You can automatically sort the bank feeds into groups with Transaction Rules. In the banking feature, transaction rules will help you find and sort bank transactions into groups based on the rules you've set.

To add a new rule for transactions:

1. To make the transaction rule, go to Banking and pick the bank account that you want to use it.

2. To change the transaction rules, click the gear icon next to the button that says "Import Statement."

3. In the upper right part of the page, click on "New Rule."

4. Give the rule a name.

5. choose you want the transaction rule to be for deposits or withdrawals.

Determine when to categorize the transactions.

● Select All the following criteria match if you wish to only classify the transactions if the bank statement meets all the criteria you've specified.

● Then Select If you wish to categorize the transactions when the bank statement

matches any of the specified criteria, any of the following conditions must be met.

You can now input the criteria by which you wish to categorize transactions. For both

deposits and  withdrawals, you have the following options:  


-Payee: The Name of the individual or business with whom the transaction would occur. This should correspond to the moniker displayed in feeds.  

-Description: The description field is for any supplemental information or notes related to the transaction that is to be recorded.  

-Reference Number: The unique identifier for a particular business exchange. It can be either autonomously generated or documented by hand.  

-Amount: The amount in the transaction.  


For categories such as Payee, Description, and Reference Number, the matching criteria will

be provided in the following box, labeled as-is, contains.  


-Is: The payee's name, description, or reference number must correspond precisely with the  

name specified in the transaction's criteria.  

-Contains: Any part of the criteria in the transaction may be included in the name,  

description, or reference number of the payee.  

-Starts with: The criteria entry must be first in the transaction's payee name, description, or  

reference number.  

-Is Empty: There should be no information in the payee name, description, or reference  

number fields.  


For the Amount type, the matching criteria will be,  

∙= : Equal to  

∙> : Greater than  

∙>= : Greater than (or) equal  

∙< : Lesser than  

∙<= : Lesser than (or) equal  



Record as  

If you choose Deposits for the Apply To field, the Record As drop-down menu will change to  

reflect your selection.  


You can record your transactions as per the options provided in the Record As drop down after selecting Withdrawals as the Apply To option.  

-Account: Where the money needs to go in order for the transactions to take place.  

-Remitted by: means ofChoose your preferred method of payment from the menu  provided.  

-Reference Number: Take the guesswork out of finding the reference number by using  

Value from Bank Statement. Choose Enter Manually if you'd rather key in the citations  yourself.  


-Recognized Transactions: Choose this if you wish to manually sort your bank statements into categories.  

-Categorized Transactions: Choose this if you want Zoho Books to automatically sort your transactions into these categories.  

-If you chose Categorized Transactions, you can have Zoho Books automatically sort your  bank statements into those categories.  



How to edit a transaction rule?  


-Select the account to which the transaction rule was added and click Banking.  

-To modify the rules that govern which transactions are imported, pick the Settings cog  next to the Import Statement button.  

-Choose the rule for a transaction that you wish to update and click it.  



How to delete transaction rule?  


-Go to Banking and select the bank account to which the transaction rule was applied.  

-Select Manage Transaction Rules by clicking the Settings icon found adjacent to the Import Statement button.not available closest to the button.  

-To delete a transaction rule, click the Delete button next to the rule.  

Auto categorization of bank transactions:

When a user tries to manually classify a transaction for which there is no existing bank rule, the system will automatically assign a category to the transaction. You can classify comparable transactions with the help of Zoho Books' Bank Rule creation page.

●Select your bank account from the tab titled Banking.

●Select the Transactions Not Classified tab.

●Select the transaction you wish to manually categorise and then select Categorise

Manually at the bottom of the right pane.

Fill out the transaction form on the right pane, then select the Save button.

A window asking you to create a new rule will appear now.

The right-hand pane's categorization form is auto-populated when you try to classify an unclassified transaction that satisfies the criteria of a rule you've already defined.

Additionally, you can add a new rule to classify your transactions. Select your bank account from the tab titled Banking. Choose Manage Transaction Rules from the tool icon in the upper right.

Click the New Rule icon in the upper-right corner and fill out the New Rule criteria form.


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